I think it is safe to say that becoming self-employed has turned out to be the best career move of my life! I enjoy the variation and freedom every single day! One day, I’m in the car at 7am on my way to a training course and the next day starts as educational developer on my own couch, so to speak, with laptop, cellphone and coffee.
Being self-employed also allows you to shape your career more to your liking. To give an example: I work in both business and higher education. The depth and expectations of well-educated professionals on the one hand and the enthusiasm and eagerness of students on the other constitute a perfect mix. The reward is often very direct: hard work means satisfied clients and new fun jobs for Pointer editing & training. If during your work you regularly think: ‘Imagine getting paid for this…’ you truly can consider yourself lucky!
Train-de-trainer, vob te Amsterdam: gebruik van werkvormen
Training Omgaan met culturele verschillen op de werkvloer
Train-de-trainer, ISBW
diploma PR- en communicatie voor het boekenvak
diploma NGPR-A
diploma Lerarenopleiding D’Witte Leli te Amsterdam, 2e graads Nederlands en Engels
2000 – heden
zelfstandig ondernemer, Pointer redactie & training
1993 – 1999
cursusinstituut vob boek en media academie Amsterdam
Lijnkamp Literary Agents Amsterdam
1989 – 1992
Editions Rodopi Amsterdam (onderdeel van Brill Leiden)
1985 – 1989
boekhandel Allert de Lange Amsterdam
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